"Play art has the making of an important movement and promises to have significant impact on our society." Leo Castelli

In this minimalistic space there are one of a kind stainless steel sculptures by JD Peppers in genres of Cubist, Modern and Realism, with artworks by Leslie Peppers ranging through Minimalism, Modern Pointillism and Abstract in the forms of original paintings, canvas reproductions, fine art prints and Art in Motion videos, some of which are accompanied by a fine art print. Together their art can be found in the collections of museums, corporations, actors, artists, musicians and athletes around the world.

Would you like to travel back in time and live in a house by the beach on the West Coast in San Diego where you would belong to a beach club that serves meals next to a sparkling swimming pool, go sailing along the coast and ride horses with friends on a spectacular ranch in Santa Barbara? If your answer is yes then you should begin reading The Lyons Saga trilogy by Leslie Peppers. Books One and Two, The Captain's Wife and The Commander are highly entertaining page turners filled with intriguing fictional characters who will capture your imagination. The Field Agent is the last book and it will be released during autumn of 2023. Click on The Lyons Saga in the navigation bar to get details about the novels and links to purchase them at Barnes & Nobel, Amazon, Apple Books, Foyles of the UK and more.

There is a technical issue at Go Daddy with this site that has been occurring for two months because their technical support has become substandard. I can't edit The Lyons Saga page and The Events page; therefore updates will be bellow.


2 January 2024: Please note the publishing date for The Field Agent has been changed to spring of 2024 due to ongoing health issues with my daughter and my granddaughter, who was born two months premature on August 14, 2023 weighing 4 pounds 4 ounces and spent the first two weeks off her life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Nicole has recovered and Blake weighs 7 pounds 14 ounces.

8 February 2024: My 3 year old grandson is in the Intensive Care Unit with bacterial meningitis.

22 February 2024: My grandson has been released from the hospital. Testing to find out if he has permanent damage to his brain and heart begin next week.

9 March, 2024: I made reservations for a cabin in Fredericksburg, Texas to watch the total solar eclipse next month. I'm going to need a vacation when this is over. Being on pins and needles for what seems like an eternity has taken its toll. REM sleep is not overrated.

11 March 2024: The results from the echocardiogram and MRI are positive. And so ends the longest month of my life.

Corporate Collections

AIM Investments - Bay Corporation - Conoco Oil

Continental Airlines - Dundee Wealth Inc.

HEB Corporation - Hyundai - Landry's Corporation

Saks Fifth Avenue - Sutton Ventures Group

UBS - the Union Bank of Switzerland

Société Hong Kong Co

among others

Navigating this site: LARGE SCALE SCULPTURE is for sculpture that require crating and shipping by fine art movers due to size and weight and cannot be calculated online. To purchase them or commission a sculpture, send an email to Alison Bird using the CONTACT FORM. Further details are in the FAQ'S. Size request for the artworks of Leslie Peppers may be submitted through the CONTACT FORM as well.

A Certificate of Authenticity with the artists' signature will accompany all sculptures, paintings and canvas reproductions. A sample certificate is located on the TERMS page.

Click on the following in red: JD Peppers Sculptor for a short film of his sculpture exhibitions on vimeo.com, The Art of Leslie and JD Peppers on FaceBook for dialog from the artist's, videos and other topics of interest and Instagram for posts by Leslie Peppers.